Statement of 4 Organizations on Human Rights Status in Egypt

Statement of 4 Organizations on Human Rights Status in Egypt


The world celebrates in December 10 the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10 / December 1948, and in 1950 the General Assembly adopted resolution on the adoption of this international day to celebrate human rights.


It is a day in which countries offer “statement of account” for its respect and commitment to the principles and values of these rights, showing what they have done by means of policies and legislation, concerning respect for human rights, and showing their commitment to the application of those principles on the ground, boasting of what they have accomplished in this regard, to prove for all that they are civilized developed countries, elevating of human rights, dignity and humanity, which is reflected directly on all aspects of the country (political, economic and social) with progress and prosperity.


In Egypt today, we are outside the scope of talking about the rights or the human beings, which have become under the rule of a regime that does not care about human beings or their rights, and do not care about the status of Egypt before the eyes of the world It only cares about measures to ensure its survival, oppressing Egyptians, and violating their (political, economic and social) rights in order to achieve this purpose.


While civilized nations celebrates that day, Egyptian prisons in our time contains 40,000 detainees, prisoners and convicted of political opponents of the regime. There are 7,400 Egyptian civilian citizens are being tried before military courts.


Regarding the judiciary, it ruled tens of thousands of years in prisons against these opponents, with death sentences that reached 844 cases.


Violations are continuing with 400 lawyers and human rights defenders, 96 journalists, 38 women, 350 children inside the regime’s prisons.


This is beside cases of enforced disappearances, which exceeded the 3000 cases, some of which were coupled with killings.


Extrajudicial killings are more than 4,000 Egyptian citizens, of whom 500 were inside prisons and places of detention as a result of medical negligence and torture, and the rest were killed on purpose or indiscriminately killed in peaceful demonstrations.


This is in addition to restrictive legislations that are crippling freedoms and public rights, which were described as repressive legislations.  primarily the laws related to demonstrations, terrorist entities, lists of terrorism, considering public facilities as military facilities, the Civil Service Law and the law on NGOs passed by parliament over the past few days.




On this day, we call upon the United Nations Human Rights Council, to work to stop these violations and crimes, and prevent impunity, and work on pressing on countries to respect the United Nations charters, to promote the principles of human rights, advocated by the Council.



Arab Media Freedom Monitor

Adala Society for Human Rights

Shehab Center for Human Rights

European Coalition for Human Rights