Demonstration at EJS Demanding Release of Detained Journalists after Families Started Hunger...

Demonstration at EJS Demanding Release of Detained Journalists after Families Started Hunger Strike


18 April 2016


Cairo – A number of detained journalists’ families holding a sit-in at Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate “EJS” protested yesterday in front of the syndicate demanding the release of their loved ones who are mistreated in jails.

The families’ protest took place while EJS’s Fifth General Conference was launched on Sunday. EJS board didn’t participate in the protest.

The families, who started their open sit-in in April 9, shouted slogans against detention of journalists and criticized Al-Sisi’s regime. Journalists’ children and wives held banners and posters of the detainees.

Meanwhile, Samy Taha the outgoing head of Vets Syndicate “VS” showed support for the sit-in, and a delegation of the VS’s board visited the sit-in, and asked to maximize cooperation between the trade unions for the freedom of all their members of and of all Egyptians. Taha added that the sit-in is a real beginning to gain rights under the regime’s insistence on the stubbornness and deliberately wasting all the basic rights of detainees.

Until releases take place, Arab Media Freedom Monitor “Iksehf” calls for the proper application to prisons’ rules on these journalists, and providing them with health, nutrition and sports rights and enable their families to visit them without restrictions.